Jamalon is the largest online bookstore in Middle East
As a teenager fascinated with computer programming, Ala AlSallal volunteered for Ruwwad, an Amman-headquartered non-profit community development organization, teaching other young people basic computer literacy. With the support of Ruwwad’s founder Fadi Ghandour, who became his mentor, Ala launched Jamalon – which means ‘top of the pyramid’ – in October 2010.
Jamalon has forged strong partnerships with over 3,000 Arabic and 27,000 English-language publishers. The company enables all publishers in Middle East to offer their books to customers worldwide through its platform. And on the other side, Jamalon enables publishers from outside Middle Eastern to target Middle East customers.
One of Jamalon’s ventures is Jamalon Print on Demand. The service aims to fill major gaps in the region’s publishing industry, opening doors to those authors and publishers to whom traditional offset print are not a viable option due to the budget, timeframes and distribution networks restraints.

Ala Alsallal
Founder, CEO

Jawdat Shammas