44 startups raised Series B in the last 5 years
Today I will explore all the Series B rounds of the region that were raised between 2020 and 2024 (inclusive).
5 of them belong to Arzan VC Family 😉
44 startups raised Series B in the last 5 years
Only 1 out of the 44 MENA-based startups was launched in 2020 (Tamara), the rest is older. (The oldest was born in 2006.)
The variations described below are pretty profound. Well, blame it on 2021 and 2022. 28 Series B rounds happened during those 2 years. (As well as 6 Series Cs and 1 Series D.)
From launch to Series B
– Average time: The average time it took these 44 startups to raise Series B after their launch is 5.5 years. (If we consider only startups founded in 2018 or later, the average is less than 4 years.)
– 2 to 15 years until B: Startups took anywhere from 2 years (e.g., Tamara, Tabby & Kitopi) to 14-15 years after launching (e.g., Altibbi & Unifonic).
Persistence & strategic scaling:
– Startups with longer paths to B: 4 startups took 10 or more years to reach Series B: Unifonic, Altibbi, HyperPay and Noon (the edtech), indicating persistence and strategic scaling over time.
– Tamatem, Salla, Foodics, Eat App and Paymob reached Series B in 7-8 years since launching.
From Series A to Series B:
– Most startups took around 2 years to reach Series B after raising Series A.
– 13 startups raised Series A in 2021 and 77% of them raised Series B over the next 2 years.
– 4 startups raised Series A in 2022 and all of them raised a B round over the next 2 years.
– Quick jumps: 14 companies bagged Series B in the year following their As (or earlier). That’s approximately one third of all. Pyypl bagged Series A and Series B in the same year (2022!).
– Sloooowww jumps: Altibbi took 5 years to hit B (note: they launched in 2008, raised A in 2017 and then B in 2022).
12x Series C & 2x Series D:
– 12 out of the 45 startups that raised Series B in 2020-2024 have already moved on to Series C. Among them: TruKKer, Foodics, Tamara, Tabby… And 2 Cs happened last year: Syarah & Eyewa.
– 2 startups made it all the way to D: Pure Harvest & Tabby.
– Fintech is the leading sector, with a large number of startups focused on areas like payments, lending and financial services (e.g., Hala, Lendo, Tamara, Rain, Money Fellows). Many of these companies raised Series B relatively quickly, often in just 1-2 years after Series A.
– E-commerce
– Foodtech/Cloud Kitchens
– Logistics and SaaS
Tamara and Tabby are the only two startups out of the 44 that stuck to a 1-year timeframe. Both managed to raise Series A in the year following their launch and secured Series B in the year after their A. Both of them raised Series C in 2023 and Tabby is already at D stage.
Calo’s B round made it to our list; it was announced on December 30, 2024.
Conversely, MaxAB didn’t make it to the list – they raised Pre-Series B in 2022 but never got to B. Instead, they merged with Wasoko in 2024. (Eon Dental also didn’t make it – we couldn’t find solid data on their Series A.)
2024 witnessed an uptick in B rounds and I believe this trend will continue in 2025. Some Bs are already being cooked. Plus a few of those 18 startups that could go public in the next few years are in the Pre-B stage.
Your bets?
Data sources: Digital Digest weekly reports, Crunchbase, Pitchbook
TL;DR (too long; didn’t read)
44 MENA-based startups raised their Series B round between 2020 and 2024. On average it took them 5.5 years since launching. In reality it took them anywhere from 2 years (e.g., Tamara, Tabby & Kitopi) to 14-15 years (e.g., Altibbi & Unifonic) to reach Series B. 2021 and 2022 amassed 28 Bs. And guess which startup raised its Series A and B rounds in the same year!
Watch Zid’s Annual Product Event “Ripple 2024”
Repzo celebrated 8 years in business
Gameball held its first Customer Advisory Board
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- Swvl is hiring 10 engineers
- Head of Product Design at Hala (Riyadh)
- Sr Backend Software Engineer (.NET) at Money Fellows (Cairo)
- Frontend Software Engineer (Angular) at Money Fellows (Cairo)
- Scrum Master at Khazenly (Cairo)
- Sr Accountant at Zid (Riyadh)
- Onboarding Engineer at Gameball (remote)
- Part-time Videographer at Citron (Dubai)
I’ll be at Taqadam Investor Showcase (Jeddah) next week. Really looking forward to it!
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